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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Food not fit for a dog

I sometimes read a food blog called Closet Cooking and the other day I saw this interesting recipe for an asparagus filo pie with avgolemono sauce that I really wanted to try.  When I found asparagus at Hill's market for only .99 cents a pound, I decided NOW was the time.

Although working with filo dough can be a bit intimidating for the uninitiated, it really isn't that difficult and the recipe was very simple and went together quickly.  It had layers of chopped asparagus, walnuts, and dill, alternating with cheesy layers of mozzarella, ricotta, and feta.  As I chopped and layered in my kitchen, I whistled a happy tune, my heart full of joyful anticipation.  I was sure I was on the brink of discovering another deliciously unusual recipe I could serve to my vegetarian friends.

One hour later, I sat slumped in disappointment, a half-eaten square of asparagus pie on my plate.  I simply did not like this dish!  The filling was bland and the sauce was way too tart.  I could hardly gag it down.  When my husband, Eddy, asked for a piece I begged him not to get involved.  He thought I was exaggerating and insisted on trying a piece of his own.  A few minutes later, I caught him trying to feed it to the dog.  Not even Allie (who is famous for showing no discrimination at all in matters of the palate) would have anything to do with it.  She turned up her nose at the offered pie and headed off to the cat box to look for something tastier.

It pained me to scrape the whole thing (minus two pieces) into the trash.  But I was left without any other options!  Never-the-less, as I closed the lid on the trash can, I found myself wondering, "what if I would change the sauce and spice up the filling......."  I may just try this recipe again with some changes of my own.  In the meantime, it sure took a pretty picture!

1 comment:

  1. mozzarella, ricotta, feta...YUM!!!
    asparagus, walnuts, dill....hurl
    whatever were you thinking?????? Pretty picture though! Could you possibly market it as something else?
